Head of the Reconciliation List, elected-MP Taymour Jumblatt called for removing all electoral banners and campaign posters from all the regions.
In a statement, Jumblatt saluted the allies on his list, including the Lebanese Forces, the Future Movement and the independents “whether they were elected or not, mainly Naji al-Bustany who sets an example in loyalty and deserves all respect and appreciation, and our political journey with him will continue.”
“We also salute Raji al-Saad and the brothers in Amal Movement and al-Jamaa al-Islamiya for their support, as well as all the factions who supported our list one way or another,” the statement added.
He stressed that the greater salute is for the head of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblatt who led this journey for years.
Jumblatt called for participating in a quiet march on Sunday May 13, before noon in Mukhtara, to lay a red rose on the shrine of the founder of PSP Kamal Jumblatt.