Political advisor to former PM Najib Mikati, Khaldoun al-Sherif said Thursday that Lebanon is heading towards a more difficult stage at the beginning of 2020, noting that Lebanon has become one of the most corrupt countries where the political class lives off corruption money.
In a statement to LBCI’s Nharkom Said, al-Sherif said that “the Arab states have turned their backs and left,” pointing out that on the international level, there are decisions to tighten the noose on Lebanon to keep it away from the Iranian axis.
He stated that Prime Minister-designate Hassan Diab does not seem to be coming from a strong Sunni background, but the team that nominated him wanted to send a message to the west and east to say that Lebanon does not seek confrontation.
On the banking sector, Khaldoun al-Sherif said that the collapse of this sector will affect every Lebanese citizen.