Lebanon's path to financial and economic restoration is relatively straightforward and clear, said former US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale from Ain El-Tineh on Thursday.
"I was here a year ago, and I think I am already sensing a level of disappointment and frustration just the year before," Hale added.
Hale stressed that it's not all hopeless, adding that Lebanon was able to have a parliamentary election. He emphasized that international support is lined up once steps are taken.
"The missing piece so far has been the political will and whether Lebanese people, with their leadership, will be able to take the steps necessary to restore the confidence of the Lebanese people, first and foremost," Hale added.
Hale mentioned that the leadership needs to restore the international community's trust in the institutions, the financial sector, and the state's ability to deal with these problems.
Hale concluded that if the political will is found, he will be confident about the future of Lebanon and very optimistic.