Its value as a currency today is 0.0032 USD, while its metal value is 0.025 USD, which is equivalent to 2000 LBP. This means that the value of the 250 LBP coin as a metal is eight times higher than its value as a currency.
As a result, some people have started collecting coins with the intention of selling them as scrap metal, rather than using them as currency. The 250 LBP and 500 LBP coins are now following the path of the 50 LBP and 100 LBP coins, slowly becoming obsolete.
Lebanon has been going through a severe economic crisis since 2019, which has caused a rapid decline in the value of the national currency, the Lebanese Pound (LBP). This decline has also affected the value of the coins in circulation.
Lebanon is currently in dire need of a comprehensive economic plan to address its financial crisis and stabilize the value of its currency.