نشر مستشفى أسترالي للحيوانات مقطع فيديو يُظهر عملية إزالة منشفة بحر بكاملها من داخل جسم ثعبان أليف يبلغ طوله نحو ثلاثة أمتار.
وقالت الطبيبة البيطرية في سيدني إن الأسرة المسؤولة عن الثعبان، البالغ من العمر 18 عامًا والّذي يُطلق عليه إسم " مونتي بيثون"، قد أحضرته إلى المستشفى بعد أن اكتشفت أنّه ابتلع منشفة بأكملها.
وأضافت في منشورٍ على إنستغرام:" وبعد ذلك، تم استخدام منظار داخلي مرن لتصوير المنشفة الموجودة في معدته، ثم استخدم الفريق الطبي ملقطاً طويلا جدًا لإزالتها بعناية."
وختمت قائلةً: "خرج الثعبان من المستشفى في اليوم عينه وكانت الإبتسامات تعلو وقد سرّنا أن يحظى الثعبان والمنشفة بحياة جديدة!"
وحصل الفيديو على إشادة واسعة من محبي الحيوانات حول العالم، وانهالت تعليقات الشكر للطبيبة التي حرصت على إنقاذه وللعائلة التي سارعت بنقله إلى المستشفى.
View this post on Instagram ‼️Monty Python and The Missing Beach Towel ‼️ We see all kinds of interesting cases here at our Avian and Exotics Department, but it's not every day we see something quite as unusual and as extraordinary as this case. Monty is an 18 year old Female Jungle Carpet Python weighing 5 kg and 3 m long, who presented to Dr Olivia Clarke at our Avian and Exotics Department at @sash_vets as she was seen eating an entire beach towel whole the night before! Monty was anaesthetised and radiographs were taken to confirm the location of the start of the towel which was approximately 1m from the head and we marked this location with tape. A flexible endoscope was placed down Monty's gastrointestinal tract, which allowed us to visualise the end of the towel sitting her stomach. With assistance from our internal medicine team, very long forceps were placed through the endoscope and used to grasp the towel. Once we had a good grip, the towel was able to be carefully removed from the gastrointestinal tract with endoscopic guidance. It was smiles all round and we are happy to report that both Monty and the beach towel have lived to see another day! Monty was discharged from hospital the same day and her owner reports she is back to her happy, hungry self! A post shared by SASH Avian & Exotics (@sash.avian.exotics.vet) on Feb 20, 2020 at 10:20pm PST
‼️Monty Python and The Missing Beach Towel ‼️ We see all kinds of interesting cases here at our Avian and Exotics Department, but it's not every day we see something quite as unusual and as extraordinary as this case. Monty is an 18 year old Female Jungle Carpet Python weighing 5 kg and 3 m long, who presented to Dr Olivia Clarke at our Avian and Exotics Department at @sash_vets as she was seen eating an entire beach towel whole the night before! Monty was anaesthetised and radiographs were taken to confirm the location of the start of the towel which was approximately 1m from the head and we marked this location with tape. A flexible endoscope was placed down Monty's gastrointestinal tract, which allowed us to visualise the end of the towel sitting her stomach. With assistance from our internal medicine team, very long forceps were placed through the endoscope and used to grasp the towel. Once we had a good grip, the towel was able to be carefully removed from the gastrointestinal tract with endoscopic guidance. It was smiles all round and we are happy to report that both Monty and the beach towel have lived to see another day! Monty was discharged from hospital the same day and her owner reports she is back to her happy, hungry self!
A post shared by SASH Avian & Exotics (@sash.avian.exotics.vet) on Feb 20, 2020 at 10:20pm PST