Lebanese-French Committee extends message to envoy Le Drian: A unified call for Lebanon

Lebanon News
2023-08-09 | 04:41
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Lebanese-French Committee extends message to envoy Le Drian: A unified call for Lebanon
Lebanese-French Committee extends message to envoy Le Drian: A unified call for Lebanon

In the context of its monitoring of the Lebanese issue, and after the massive solidarity gathering organized on the third anniversary of the Beirut Port explosion at Trocadéro Square - Paris, the Lebanese-French Coordination Committee (CCLF) directed a message to the French Presidential Envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian.

In the message, the committee expressed its appreciation for the efforts made by President Macron, the government, and the French people to rescue Lebanon, support its sovereignty, restore the state, and bring about general order to constitutional institutions.

Recalling Le Drian's precise positions, in which he repeatedly emphasized the dangers threatening Lebanon's sovereignty, its distinctive formula for coexistence, and its leading role in the Arab world and the international community as a model of freedom, pluralism, and dialogue, the committee expressed its anticipation for the French role that assists the Lebanese people in pursuing the implementation of the constitution, reclaiming sovereignty, and establishing a citizen state based on seven principles outlined in the message.

The first: "Respect for the constitution and its application to establish a citizen state, a state of competence that all Lebanese have longed for since the constitution of Greater Lebanon (1926), and as affirmed by the Taif Agreement (1989), which has been systematically undermined by the political system's use of sectarianism as a divisive element for governance."

The second: "Development of institutions, the consolidation of equality among citizens before the law, and strengthening the civil state as a model for coexistence. The disappearance of the latter constitutes a disservice to France and Europe."

The third: "Lebanon's neutrality in regional conflicts, the implementation of Security Council resolutions, foremost among them Resolution 1701."

The fourth: "Judicial independence as a prerequisite for any necessary and urgent political, economic, and financial reforms."

The fifth: "Implementation of expanded administrative decentralization as outlined in the Taif Agreement."

The sixth: "Completion of investigations and combating all crimes, including the Beirut Port explosion, political assassinations, contraband smuggling, money laundering, and illegal immigration."

The seventh: "Effective management of the Syrian refugee crisis based on facilitating the return of two million Syrian refugees to their homeland, as they pose a demographic threat to Lebanon and strain its infrastructure."

The Lebanese-French Coordination Committee (CCLF) concluded its message to Le Drian, affirming the depth of the Lebanese-French partnership and its significance in supporting these principles for Lebanon's rescue.

It is worth noting that the CCLF consists of Change Lebanon (CL), Collectif Libanais de France (CLF), Diaspora Libanaise Overseas (DLO), Forum Libanais en Europe (FLE), Mouvement des citoyens Libanais du monde (MCLM), Our New Lebanon – France (ONL), and The Lebanese Diaspora Network – France (TLDN-France), and in partnership with The Civic Influence Hub (CIH) as the Lebanese advisory organization to the committee.

Lebanon News


Beirut Port



Lebanese-French Coordination Committee (CCLF)

Jean-Yves Le Drian

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