Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati renewed on Wednesday the call to expedite the election of a new president for the republic, aiming to restore the state's regular functioning.
During the Independence Day ceremony and the announcement of the opening of the Independence Museum in the Independence Citadel in Rashaya al-Wadi, Mikati affirmed that independence is achieved when the Lebanese triumph for their constitution and national pact. He emphasized the commitment to the constitution and the national pact as the way to renew independence.
He also reiterated the call to rally around the army and preserve its presence and institution, along with all the security forces for their role in maintaining the nation's security and citizens.
Furthermore, Mikati called on the international community to deter Israel from its aggression and blatant violations of international agreements, decisions, and human rights and its continued commission of massacres and genocide.
He highlighted recent crimes, such as the assassination of journalists Rabih Al-Maamari and Farah Omar, as well as the earlier killing of the martyr photographer Issam Abdallah.
Mikati stressed that the international community should initiate a political solution that grants Palestinians their full, undiminished rights in their independent state, with its capital in Jerusalem.