Tension burst on Saturday between the people of the southern village of Rmeich and the Hezbollah-backed environmental association called "Green Without Borders" due to the paving of roads of more than 1.5 kilometers of land owned by Rmiech's citizens.
In an attempt to defuse the disparities between the region's people, a sole meeting was held on Saturday evening between Hezbollah's official representative in the village, De Gaulle Aboutass, and the landowners, which ended in stopping the road construction work only.
Hezbollah members refused to dismantle the tent and leave Samoukhia, despite the demands of the property owners. Responsible parties in Hezbollah from Aita al-Shaab informed the owners that the presence in that area and at specific border points is a strategic matter.
The owners were offered a guarantee of their lands that the party considers strategic on the borders with Israel, but the people refused and insisted on evacuation, which did not happen.
At Saturday's evening meeting and after Rmeich citizens raised their demands to stop the works, a petition was signed calling on the municipality to stop the trespassing on the property.
Aboutass pledged in Hezbollah's name not to prevent any of the owners of those lands from accessing them in return for keeping the tent.
However, a number of the people refused, especially since they do not guarantee that they would not be subjected to harassment or limitations, after what they witnessed, including not involving them in decision-making, construction of roads, cutting down of trees, and the distortion of the environment in their livelihoods under the pseudonymous environmental title "Green Without Borders."
Today, between Rmeich and Aita al-Shaab, the situation is as follows:
Rmeich's people turned to the state and the army, demanding the preservation of their rights, the evacuation of their land, and deterring those who prevented them from working on it, but no one moved.
Members of the "Green Without Borders" association refuse to vacate these properties and are "entrenched" in them by force. So, where is the solution?