A legal bombshell: France demands Lebanon to question 1983 bombing suspects

Press Highlights
2023-03-09 | 12:39
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A legal bombshell: France demands Lebanon to question 1983 bombing suspects
A legal bombshell: France demands Lebanon to question 1983 bombing suspects

On October 23, 1983, the headquarters of American Marines in Beirut was bombed, resulting in the deaths of 241 American Marines and soldiers. Another bombing targeted the French paratroopers' headquarters and claimed the lives of at least 58 French soldiers. 

After almost 40 years, the French judiciary has requested the Lebanese judiciary to question Youssef Khalil and Sanaa Khalil, whom they suspect were involved in the bombing.

In 1983, according to official reports, a car carrying a large amount of explosives was driven towards the Marines headquarters. It was detonated in the building's lobby, a barracks for the first battalion of the eighth Marine Infantry, killing approximately 241 American personnel.

Another car returned minutes later and was detonated in the nine-story "Drakkar" building in Ramlet al-Bayda, the headquarters where the French unit was stationed, killing about 58 French paratroopers and injuring around 15 others.

According to details provided by Lebanese newspaper "Al Modon," the Discriminatory Public Prosecution received a judicial request from France, demanding that the Lebanese judiciary hear Youssef Khalil and Sanaa Khalil only without mentioning any personal information to determine their identity.

The hearing of the two individuals comes on suspicion of involvement in the suicide bombing that targeted the French headquarters. The Lebanese judiciary has also been requested to arrest and question them and inform the French judiciary of the outcome to take appropriate action.

It can be said that the judicial request is inaccurate and needs to provide the Lebanese judiciary with more detailed information to confirm the identity of the two suspects. However, what is notable is the date of its arrival, more than forty years after the killing of the French soldiers.

According to "Al Modon" information, the situation remains unclear. Still, many questions will be asked in the upcoming days about the identity of the individuals: Who is Youssef Khalil? Who is Sanaa Khalil? Are they still alive? What is their connection to the US Marines and French soldiers' bombing?
Some official sources do not hide that the French decision is surprising, and many questions are related to the intentions of the French judiciary regarding its recent decision. 

Why did the French judiciary currently decide to launch a wide-ranging investigation into an incident that happened 40 years ago? Is there a direct link to the political conditions that Lebanon is suffering from, or is it an attempt to pressure internal parties, coinciding with complications in the Lebanese presidential file? 

Especially since the US administration had previously accused Hezbollah, specifically its former military leader Imad Mughniyeh, of being behind the planning and execution of the Marine bombing.

Given these facts, personal information about the two names will remain unknown and unclear until the French judiciary clarifies and provides detailed information about the mentioned names.

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