French Envoy's Visit Postponed as Lebanon Struggles with Presidential Vacuum and Central Bank Transition

Press Highlights
2023-07-20 | 01:05
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French Envoy's Visit Postponed as Lebanon Struggles with Presidential Vacuum and Central Bank Transition
French Envoy's Visit Postponed as Lebanon Struggles with Presidential Vacuum and Central Bank Transition

It has become clear that the weather's heat surpasses the heat of both local and international political movements to end the presidential vacuum, which is now postponed until after the end of the summer season. 


This comes especially as the French envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, has postponed his planned visit to Lebanon for two or three weeks to complete his contacts with the members of the Quint committee and listen to each of their viewpoints.



Sources closely following Le Drian's communications revealed to "Al-Anbaa" electronic newspaper that the French diplomat decided to meet with each member of the Quint committee separately to understand the essence of their efforts, aiming to assist in electing a president. 


Le Drian had previously met with Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan in Jeddah, discussing the solution to the Lebanese crisis, describing the meeting as very successful.


The sources confirmed that bin Farhan encouraged Le Drian to meet with the rest of the committee members to understand their vision for the solution. 


This indicates a noticeable shift in France's stance, possibly abandoning its support for the head of the Marada Movement, Sleiman Frangieh, and seriously looking for another candidate who could bring all parties together.


France also threatens to impose sanctions on any obstructing parties. 


The sources mentioned that after completing his meetings with the members of the Quint committee, Le Drian will present a detailed report to French President Emmanuel Macron to draw a clear picture of his next visit and the advanced ideas he carries to resolve the presidential vacuum. 


He will return to Lebanon for a third visit in September to finalize the picture for electing the president.


On another note, regarding the end of Riad Salameh's tenure as the governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, financial and economic expert Dr. Nabil Ghabril stated in an interview with "Al-Anbaa" electronic newspaper that we are entering a new phase in light of the paralysis of constitutional institutions, with a presidential vacancy, coupled with a paralyzed parliament and a resigned government incapable of making decisions. 


He added that despite all expectations, it is certain that Riad Salameh's term will end by the end of this July, and the first deputy governor, Wassim Mansouri, will assume the duties of the central bank and its governing council, which is formed of permanent members, along with the directors of the Ministry of Finance, Economy, and Trade, and the government's commissioner to the central bank, managing this vital facility and making the required decisions taken by the central bank.


Ghabril emphasized that the International Monetary Fund had informed Lebanese officials last March that the way out of the economic crisis requires cooperation with the central bank as the only civil institution capable of making decisions. 


The latter will continue in his duties as there will be no changes before implementing the reform program. He also addressed the recent talk about the "Sayrafa" platform, stating that it still serves hundreds of families receiving salaries in Lebanese pounds. 


This platform has contributed to stabilizing the current exchange rate despite the absence of strong foundations in the economy, especially in the absence of reforms. It is not permissible to undermine the purchasing power of citizens.


Regarding the statement of the Association of Banks in Lebanon, he believes its content is clear in terms of not returning to financial collapse, urging depositors to read the IMF report carefully. 


He pointed out that the banks' invasion will only serve those who benefit from it and those behind them.


Ghabril confirmed that there will be no extension for Salameh, and his term will end by the end of this month. 


He spoke about three scenarios that were circulating regarding the governor:

  • Appointing a governor for the central bank
  • Appointing Salameh as a senior advisor to the governor
  • The parliament extending the term of the governor 


He mentioned that all these scenarios are unacceptable and have all been rejected, emphasizing that the most important thing is to apply the law, as Salameh will not remain even one more day after the end of his term, even if he could secure an extension.


Therefore, there is no clear political scenario at the moment, waiting for any new developments in the presidential file amid fears of a return of the insane surge in the exchange rate at the end of the governor's tenure, which the Lebanese people will once again bear the consequences of a new vacancy.


Press Highlights

Le Drian




Central Bank



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