Gaza humanitarian crisis: Airdrops attempted as truce negotiations stall

Press Highlights
2024-03-03 | 02:13
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Gaza humanitarian crisis: Airdrops attempted as truce negotiations stall
Gaza humanitarian crisis: Airdrops attempted as truce negotiations stall

With major capitals and decision-making bodies failing to deliver aid to the beleaguered people of Gaza, humanitarian efforts have turned to the skies in a bid to alleviate some of the suffering inflicted upon a world that remains silent in the face of the gravest crimes against the Palestinian people since October 7th.
The flour massacre in Gaza served as a grim reminder of the true face of Israeli occupation, even if it only managed to embarrass those who support the occupation superficially.
Following the announcement by US President Joe Biden of intentions to airdrop food supplies over Gaza, which is suffering from a genuine famine due to Israel's blockade preventing relief convoys from reaching its inhabitants, Israeli forces opened fire on Saturday on Palestinians awaiting aid near the Nablus roundabout, the site of the flour massacre just two days prior, resulting in the martyrdom of one person and the injury of 26 others.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear whether both the Palestinian and Israeli sides will continue indirect negotiations in Cairo to reach an agreement on a ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners and detainees.
Israeli media reports suggest that the Israeli negotiating delegation will not head to Cairo on Sunday as planned until Hamas provides clear answers regarding the Israeli captives held in Gaza.

In this context, security sources anticipate that the situation will remain unchanged until a final ceasefire agreement is reached. President Biden's remarks suggesting the possibility of a truce during Ramadan do not imply that such an agreement will immediately take effect before the start of the holy month.
What can be inferred from Biden's statements is that a ceasefire agreement may be reached in the middle or towards the end of Ramadan, with something still being determined. This leaves the door open for Israel to do as it pleases.

As Israel continues its policies of starvation, blockade, and collective punishment, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis to catastrophic levels, extending to Rafah, the West Bank, and beyond, Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Taymur Jumblatt questions whether this situation warrants genuine international pressure for an immediate cessation of hostilities and an end to the ongoing killings.
The escalating atrocities and increasing threats of expanding the war into Lebanon necessitate intensified diplomatic efforts to deter Israel from the possibility of increasing its aggressive war towards Lebanon.

Simultaneously, discussions have emerged regarding a potential new visit by US envoy Amos Hochstein to Lebanon early next week. In this regard, MP Elias Jarade stated in an interview with "Al-Anbaa,'' that Hochstein's visit "may indicate the beginning of calm on the southern front.
If the visit aims to build on the Gaza truce, it is a positive development." He emphasized that "if Israel were capable of infiltrating Lebanon, it would have done so from day one of the war.
However, the resilience and steadfastness of the resistance in confronting Israeli attacks on southern villages have made Israel reconsider its calculations, as it is incapable of doing so."
He called for "national unity in one direction to form a unified front around the concept of defending Lebanon by all Lebanese people," considering that "anyone who takes a stance contrary to this position is a traitor."
Describing the escalation in the southern front and the Israeli attacks that have exceeded the rules of engagement as "an indication that each party is trying to exert as much pressure as it wants to improve its conditions before the ceasefire, and this is what happens in all wars."
Regarding the Lebanese stance, if Hochstein were to propose Hezbollah's withdrawal a few kilometers to the border of the Litani River, as rumored, Jarade asked: "Is it possible to empty the area of its inhabitants?
There is a difference between strengthening the borders with the active presence of the Lebanese army and demanding the withdrawal of Hezbollah. Both the Lebanese and Israeli sides should do border monitoring, and pressure should be exerted on Israel to respect Resolution 1701 because it is the one violating this resolution."
He added, "It is unacceptable to demand the evacuation of the area from its residents; these are the sons of the land, and if any measures are to be taken, they should be taken by the Israeli side."
He expressed astonishment at the stance of "some Lebanese parties claiming that the decision of war and peace is in the hands of Hezbollah," considering that "the decision of war and peace lies with Israel, not with Hezbollah. This war was imposed on Lebanon, and anyone who accuses Hezbollah of it is considered a traitor."

He described the escalation in the southern front and the Israeli attacks that have exceeded the rules of engagement as "an indication that each party is trying to exert as much pressure as it wants to improve its conditions before the ceasefire, and this is what happens in all wars."
Regarding the Quintet Committee's movements, Jarade believes that "the decision lies with the ground, and nothing will happen until the contours of the Palestinian conflict become clear.
All the solutions being discussed are repercussions of what is happening in Gaza. Suppose there is a breakthrough and an agreement on a ceasefire.
In that case, the presidential election becomes imminent, meaning that the decision will remain on the ground, and any ceasefire agreement will help elect a president if intentions are clear. Everyone is convinced of the necessity to end this deadline."

Until the picture becomes clear, the domestic scene remains in a state of stagnation that not only affects the presidency but also extends to the overall political landscape, which is plagued by sterility in the absence of any genuine willingness on the part of concerned parties from both sides to make concessions for the sake of national interest.

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