'Alarming' European messages: Concerns grow as southern front nears the 'brink of war'

Press Highlights
2023-12-28 | 02:31
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'Alarming' European messages: Concerns grow as southern front nears the 'brink of war'
'Alarming' European messages: Concerns grow as southern front nears the 'brink of war'

On the southern front, the situation reflects a race between the field events that are increasing in violence and escalating day after day and the continued warnings through diplomatic channels that the situation is descending into a wide-scale war.

This article was originally published in and translated from the Lebanese newspaper Al-Joumhouria.

Sources told Al-Joumhouria that European messages expressing increasing concern about the situation on the southern front approaching the brink of war had reached the responsible authorities. 

This comes in light of Hezbollah's escalation of military operations against the Israeli army, with talks about the "seriousness of Israeli threats of a military action against Lebanon." 

This is linked to the confirmation of the Lebanese side to implement Resolution 1701.

Notably, international messages, both European and non-European, avoid direct and explicit discussions about Israel's proposal to secure settlements on the border by creating a Hezbollah-free zone on the Lebanese side and pushing the party north of the Litani River. 

However, direct discussions are made explicitly in diplomatic councils, which stress that "it has become necessary to stop military operations on the border and to come up with 'new mechanisms' for what was called 'the actual, literal implementation of the provisions of Resolution 1701.'"

While Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri confirmed that one of the envoys raised the issue of establishing new arrangements in the south linked to Resolution 1701, and in the face of demands for its strict implementation, Lebanon's official position was conveyed to international envoys. 

The position reiterated adherence to this resolution and commitment to its implementation, emphasizing that the essential requirement is to compel Israel to implement it. 

Informed sources familiar with Hezbollah told Al-Joumhouria that the party, in meetings with foreign diplomats, both French and non-French, refused to discuss this matter if raised, insisting that the primary requirement is for Israel to cease its aggression against Gaza and Lebanon.

The sources pointed out that the "[Israeli] enemy's hint at establishing a buffer zone on the Lebanese side, regardless of its size, does not only mean, in the Israeli concept, removing Hezbollah elements but essentially aims at evacuating the southern region of its residents."

"This is an issue that no one inside or outside can tolerate or cover. Moreover, if Israel contemplates such an action, it will lead to a severe war that will prevent Israel from imposing arrangements like those it threatens to establish for the security of the settlers, whom Hezbollah does not consider civilians but an integral part of the enemy's army."

They added: "Israel's talk of a buffer zone in the north of the borders is countered by confirming talks of a buffer zone extending kilometers south of the borders."

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Southern Front





Resolution 1701

Buffer Zone

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